Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week off.

Another short post. I'm SO SORRY I haven't been posting lately, things have been crazy and I didn't even have time to participate in WIAW :(

Anywho, I haven't worked out since last Thursday. Honestly though, I think my body needed the week off. With new medication, a vegan-ish diet, and dealing with the new microscopic colitis I've been diagnosed with, rest seemed more important. Because I eat so clean anyway, I figured I'd give myself a break.

Back to the grind after the weekend though (I'm having a family weekend and may only get in some short workouts at home so the gym will have to wait until Monday...or maybe tomorrow ;) )

Have a happy Thirsty Thursday kiddies! Remember, tomorrow is TGIF! Yay for the Weekend!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm Sorry

Sorry for the absense,

I know I haven't been blogging much lately but I have been super busy. I was just diagnosed with microscopic colitis and I'm not exactly sure how to handle it. Being a very help person I was a little overwhelmed with the news and how I could have developed it. That being said, I am NOT going to let this be something that takes over my life. I am making the proper changes to my diet and truly believe I can treat this in a healthy way that will get me OFF medication :) I had to give up dairy (see ya greek yogurt :) ) and also do a gluten-free diet. I'm focusing on more of a whole foods, plant-based diet and hopefully my symptoms slowly and surely start to disappear.

More to come soon, just wanted to drop in and say hello again and i'm baaaaaaack ;)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Red Red Wiiiiinnnnneeeee

I have ALWAYS been a beer girl. I love beer, seasonal beer, light beer, local beer. You name it, I try it. But recently I have really gotten into red wine. Sweet red wine to be exact. The past couple weeks I have picked up a bottle on a Thursday after work and indulged in a glass as I cooked my dinner. This one pictured is my most recent, and let me tell you, it has to be my favorite so far. Not only is the bottle absolutely adorable, but the taste is perfect.

As I drank my red wine I decided I wanted a few blackberries as well (I have no idea why) and I HAD to snap a picture of this. Look at the size of that bad boy. Why is it so big?! Not that I mind, it was delicious :)

This is how I started my Sunday morning. A pumpkin flavored greek yogurt bowl with chia seed mix, sunflower seed butter, and cinnamon. I also threw some Enjoy Life nut free dark chocolate granola on top. This was the perfect sweet fall breakfast. 

I have a feeling that my WIAW this week is going to have a lot of squash and pumpkin in it :)

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening friends!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Happy WIAW!! :)

To start things off, remember how I shared I was having stomach issues? Well..I just found out I have a peanut allergy. WHAT?! How had I not known this  before? Peanut butter is the best! I almost cried when I found out :( I was also told that I need to go see a specialist because I may have other intolerances. I'm trying to stay gluten-free as well and I have actually noticed a difference. I didn't test positive for having a gluten allergy, but that doesn't mean I don't have an intolerance to it. We will see I suppose...

Anywho, these past couple of days have been kinda crazy with my birthday and visiting home and what not so I don't have too many eats, just some randomness but I'm still willing to share :)

My friend Lisa let me use her Omega Juicer. yeah, I am IN LOVE and desperately want one. The following picture is a vague idea of what i threw in the mix, but I added in a few things as I went and it turned out really good!! It's all about experimenting and I definitely want to keep up on the green juice a day trend. It makes me feel so good!

I also picked up the Crazy Sexy Diet book and let me tell you, it's life changing. I can't seem to put it down! Kris Carr is by far my new idol and not only is the book super informative, she is one hilarious chick. Love it :)

The last 2 bowls are a pumpkin quinoa bowl and a greek yogurt bowl with some Enjoy Life chocolate nut free granola. Both are gluten free (brownie points) and contain no nuts. Super yummy!! Definitely giving new foods a try and am becoming pleasantly surprised!

Because I have been diagnosed as nut free and potentially having a gluten intolerance and whatever else could be lurking, I've had to become more creative in the kitchen. Stay tuned for some new eats ;)

Happy Hump Day!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday & Saturday Randomness/Birthday Weekend

Ah, the weekend before my 23 birthday. I decided to make a special trip home to spend a little time with my mom. As soon as she got home from work, we decided we needed to start the weekend off right and jumped to begin the most highly prioritized, responsible thing to do. We went to Trader Joes..

CLEARLY we got more than this, but I was excited to pick these up at such an awesome price considering I left both of those at my apartment in kalamazoo. In our cart was asparagus, kale, heirloom tomatoes, tons more produce, quinoa, some crackers for my mom, frozen blueberries for my smoothies, and much much more..

Trader Joe's has a special place in my heart, along with any/every health food store out there :)

Brace yourself, next picture is not pretty. I remember briefly touching base on my stomach issues. Well, Friday I left work early for a few doctors appointments and lab tests. I got blood drawn for me to see if I have any food allergies along with numerous other intolerances. 

This did NOT feel all :(

Anyways, back to Friday night. I cooked this lovely Trader Joe's meal for dinner 

In the mix was tempeh, heirloom tomatoes, asparagus, avocado, and some balsamic my mom had from Whole Foods. So yummmmmmy :)

Saturday morning I had 2 appointments by 9 am. A vet appointment for this little devil

He was a little angel though. Although he has to be on a diet now to lose a few lbs (thanks MOM!)

and then I got a hair appointment. 2 years ago I went from blonde to brunette and WILL NEVER GO BACK! However, today i was feeling a little fiesty and in need of a change. I decided that I would get bangs. I was nervous at first, not really about the hair being cut, but the "oh no if I don't like this it's gonna take FOREVER to grow back". But as she started cutting, I instantly fell in love.

New sassy hair ;)

And then I went to the best mall ever, The Somerset Collection, to do a little shopping. Buy one get one half off jeans at the gap? OKAY! $40 off $120 at Express, YOU GOT IT! :)

And now I'm going to spend the rest of the day/evening with my mommy :) Cooking and perhaps more shopping? Then tomorrow it's back to Kalamazoo to celebrate with the roommates and my handsome man :)

Life. Is. good. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Happy WIAW friends :)

This Wednesday my post is going to be a little all over the place (but thats okay) because I have random eats and pictures of them to share!

To begin, every morning I have been having an ACV drink or a warm water/lemon/cayenne drink to detox. From only consuming ACV once or twice a week, I have noticed a HUGE difference by incorporating it into pretty much my daily routine. Any detox drink in the morning is an excellent idea and you should try it!

Speaking of drinks, Kombucha love anyone? Since I have been having tummy issues, I've had one of these 2 times a week and they are SO HELPFUL and delicious. 

This one was surprisingly good. 

And this ginger tea was so delicious after dinner last night. I woke up feeling slightly better and am hoping my tummy issues will be at ease today. (Another post on that later)

APPARENTLY this turned into a what i drank wednesday post haha CLEARLY I need to take more food pictures but it wasn't very exciting these past 2 days since I posted my yummy treats I made over the weekend on Sunday. I promise next week will be full of yummy treats :)

Happy Wednesday you guys!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Food Intolerance..

I may have a food intolerance based on the symptoms I have been experiencing. It may be nuts/nut butters. I'm giving them up for a few days and it is extremely difficult and if that is what is causing my symptoms I will be crying excessively because those are the best pantry items of all time.  

Sad face...